Staffworker Profiles

Paul Lewis the newly appointed National UCCF Staff worker has taken the reigns from the former Staff Worker Floyd Wilson. Paul has been the Eastern Region ISCF Staff Worker for the past 3 years and his impact has been a blessing. With Paul’s experience in tertiary ministry from his Campus Kairos days, Paul and the UCCF are a perfect match.

ISCF Eastern Region- 97 Secondary Schools
Latavia Henry-Campbell is the Field Staff Supervisor at SCFSU. She is a graduate of St Hilda's High School, Knox Community College and The University of the West Indies where she was actively involved in the ISCF and UCCF groups. After completing her Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacology, she responded to God's call to student ministry and has been with SCFSU since 2015. Her vision is to see young people come into a close relationship with God and His Word.

Knowing Christ and making him known became a major theme in her life after becoming a Christian through ISCF. This has led to multiple mission trips and her current position as Camp Coordinator and Staff Worker at Student Christian Fellowship & Scripture Union (ISCF). Holding a degree in Psychology and dance this creative and entrepreneur has a sincere passion for fellowship. She believes that God has made us individually to reflect him and that living in community with the body of Christ is one of God's giftS to us to live life abundantly.